Inspiration at your fingertips
The power of passive income
Ready for a truth most people won’t tell you? No matter the state of the economy, current politics or world events, you control the amount of money you make. Current job not creating enough income? It’s time to get serious about passive income. Tony says, “If you want to change your life you have to […]
Your guide to sleep supplements
Sleep is as essential for the human body as food and exercise. When you sleep, nerve cells in your brain make new connections, and your body repairs its cells and releases hormones and proteins. Americans are notorious for not getting enough sleep; 16% of adults say they never feel sleepy during a typical week, and […]
How to deal with work stress
Work stress: We’ve all felt it, especially in today’s environment. Working from home may be convenient, but it can also mean that spouses and children interrupt. Large companies seem to be laying off workers in droves, and uncertainty about the economy can add to our own stress as we wonder if we’re next. Everything seems […]
- Wealth
Avoid common investing mistakes
What’s the biggest thing successful people have in common? They are obsessed with not losing money. How do they do it? One big way is by investing smart. They don’t necessarily take big risks. They learn from their mistakes and avoid making stock investing mistakes and other common errors. Investing mistake 1: Wrong asset allocation […]
- Wealth
Become a money master today
Money: There’s nothing quite like it. Money has the power to create or destroy. It can be a blessing that turns your dreams into reality or a burden you always carry. One thing is for sure: you must become a money master, or it will master you. As Tony Robbins says, “When you lack confidence […]
- Wealth
6 things all successful people do
Usually when we hear stories of the behavior of the super-rich it involves shopping sprees, trips to Monaco or perhaps the occasional lifestyle productivity hack. But how did the American ultra-wealthy become the top 0.01%? Is there a secret formula to obtaining and maintaining wealth? What do all rich people have in common? For four […]
- Wealth
The power of passive income
Ready for a truth most people won’t tell you? No matter the state of the economy, current politics or world events, you control the amount of money you make. Current job not creating enough income? It’s time to get serious about passive income. Tony says, “If you want to change your life you have to […]
- Wealth
How much do I need for retirement?
Much like stepping on the scale after the holidays, the amount of money you’ll need to comfortably retire is the number many Americans aren’t sure they want to know. In fact, half of Americans haven’t even tried to calculate how much money they’ll need to retire. However, just like those extra pounds, ignoring the problem […]
- Wealth
How to build a money-making machine
Do you find yourself wondering how you’ll make enough money to achieve your financial goals? Are you dreaming of retirement but can’t imagine how you’ll find the money to do so? Is traveling or another large goal at the forefront of your mind? Don’t be discouraged if you’re unsure of how you’ll achieve these goals […]
- Wealth
6 holiday spending tips
Holiday spending in 2020 reached a record high of $789.4 billion, driven by a nearly 24% increase in online sales. Where does that money come from? Unfortunately, most people haven’t saved a penny for gifts. Depending on the current state of your financial planning, this could set you up for a holiday spending hangover. Even […]
- Wealth
25 fun holiday activities
The holidays are a special time for families: Seeing a child’s face light up at a display of holiday lights. The delicious smell of cookies and your partner sneaking one more from the tray. Holiday activities and traditions that connect with every generation. Opening gifts and seeing faces of joy and gratitude. Yet these holiday […]
- Wealth
What you need to know about bitcoin
Trying to answer the question, “What is bitcoin?” is like trying to explain the Internet to someone in the 80s, as Vox so aptly put it; or even the 90s if you remember the video of the then-younger Today show hosts trying to comprehend the Internet. The reason it’s so difficult to explain (and understand) […]
- Wealth
What is the petrodollar?
From cryptocurrency to Brexit to the Robinhood GameStop stock scandal, the global economy is a hot topic. It’s no surprise that in the face of economic uncertainty, many people are interested in learning about how the global economy actually works – and how they can make it work for them. Learning about the petrodollar system […]
- Wealth
What is cryptocurrency?
From Elon Musk tweeting about Dogecoin to the wild fluctuations in the value of bitcoin, cryptocurrency has been in the news lately. All that publicity has many people wondering, “What is cryptocurrency? How does it work? And does it make sense for me to get in on this investment?” The honest answer is that it […]
- Wealth
What is a fiduciary?
Would you try to resolve a legal dispute without hiring a lawyer? Would you perform complicated bookkeeping without hiring an accountant? Then why would you try to take care of your financial planning without hiring an advisor? It’s the same idea, yet we don’t always think of it that way. If you want to ensure […]
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