The psychology of a leader

Awaken the leader in you

The 7 Qualities of Leadership

The greatest and most powerful leaders hold visions larger than themselves. Leaders leverage the power of their position to positively influence others, and to create real lasting change and impact – helping others to achieve more, become more and give more. Learn how you can develop and increase your own potential to become a more effective leader through Tony’s 7 Qualities of Leadership.

Awaken the leader in you


Real leaders tap into their own personal power (their energy) to shift the emotional tone of those around them, so they can help re-focus the group’s energy to accomplish goals.

Emotional Mastery

Leaders know to master their own emotions before trying to change those around them. Leverage certainty, humor, decisiveness, playfulness and compassion to overcome stress and then provide strength to others.

Relationship Mastery

To truly influence someone, a leader must first understand and appreciate the uniqueness of others’ individual experiences. Develop and cultivate authentic personal connections, then leverage insights to help others meet their needs and achieve real breakthroughs.

Celebrate Victory

When people are consistently rewarded for wins, they develop a driving hunger to become better. Great leaders correct in private and praise in public. Acknowledging success effectively strengths bonds and trust to build stronger teams and results.

Time Mastery

One of the most vital skill sets leaders practice is time management. Understand the inputs to each project, and identify inefficiencies. Once you have successfully mastered your own time teach others to compound the effects and free up your calendar.

Ownership of Purpose

Great leaders are purpose-driven. They begin with the WHY behind the project and ensure each team member connects to it. Helping others to tap into why they think, feel, behave and act they way they do is a core quality of leadership.

Financial Mastery

Powerful leaders understand the actual cost of time. Rather than exchanging time for money, leaders increase their skill-sets in finance and wealth management to further empower their use of resources, time and people.


How to inspire your team

You’ve put a lot of work into building your business. You’ve focused on constant, never-ending improvement to provide more value than anyone else. You’ve mapped out your business plan and created your sales strategy. And you’ve sharpened your recruitment strategies and hired the right people for the job – at least you thought you did. […]


DISC personality types explained

How well do you know yourself? It’s one thing to understand your opinions, likes and dislikes. But understanding your personality and all its nuances is another ball game altogether. Oftentimes insight is restricted by self-perception and limiting beliefs, so to develop true self-awareness, you must get an objective perspective on yourself. Tony Robbins’ DISC assessment […]


Top leadership secrets

Who are your favorite leaders? Of course all-time greats like Oprah, Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson and more come to mind. Yet we also encounter great leaders in our everyday lives: Our children’s coaches and teachers. Our own mentors or the peers who we look up to. The volunteer who runs your local food pantry. Maybe […]


6 tips for compassionate leadership

You’ve been working on your leadership skills. You’ve become an excellent public speaker. You know your company’s software inside and out. You tackle client meetings like a pro. You’re organized, effective and able to think long-term. These are all valuable leadership skills. But something is missing. Compassionate and caring leadership is the cornerstone of any […]


13 ways to demonstrate competence

You work hard. You’re organized, smart and always on time. You complete tasks faster than anyone else. You’re always seeking professional growth and opportunities to learn new skills. You might think others automatically think you’re great at what you do. But you need to do more to demonstrate competence. The hard truth is that being […]

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