What are your relationship goals? Many of us desire a lasting, fulfilling, long-term relationship – yet the passion often fizzles.
Even the most passionate relationships hit rough patches over the long term. Children and parents change the dynamic. Illness and money worries create stress. Sometimes, you just start taking each other for granted. While passion is essential to start the fire, passion alone won’t sustain you or your partner through the really tough times.
Truly extraordinary relationships don’t come to people because they are lucky, unusually well-matched or drowning in great chemistry. Extraordinary, long-lasting relationships come from hard work, determination and commitment. They’re built on strong relationship guidelines that both partners believe in. That’s what Ronak and Sarovi learned at Date With Destiny.
Ronak and Sarovi were separated and on the brink of divorce when they attended this transformative event. There they learned the strategies and skills they needed to communicate, reconnect and strengthen their relationship. Watch their story below and then discover what they learned at Date With Destiny: Tony’s top 4 tips for how to make a relationship last.
“Date With Destiny is the most life-changing experience anyone can partake in. It is an in-depth course on life.”
1. Take responsibility
It’s all too easy to blame all of your relationship problems on your partner. But as Tony says at Date With Destiny, “If we want freedom there’s only one way: 100% responsibility for our experience of life no matter what anyone else did.” Real relationship goals aren’t about fixing your partner. They’re about both people taking responsibility for their own role in the problem.
2. Stop telling yourself old stories
The stories we tell ourselves about who we are, who our partner is and who we are together affect every experience we have – and long-term relationships are filled with these stories. If you want your relationship to be extraordinary, you must throw out old stories and spend each day treating it like it’s new. Forget what your partner “always” does or “never” does. Let go of the past and focus on your relationship goals for the future.
3. Understand and fulfill your partner’s needs
We are all driven by Six Human Needs – and we each have a top need that must be fulfilled. We also bring different experiences and perspectives into relationships that guide our expectations and actions. That’s why one of the best relationship guidelines is to work to understand your partner’s unique perspective, needs and triggers. When you do this, you open the door to lasting passion, true intimacy and unending fulfillment.
4. Be honest and open
At the beginning of a relationship, we sometimes put on masks to impress our partner – but these masks can never last long. To truly sustain, you need to learn one of the top Disciplines of Love: The Discipline of Absolute Courage and Vulnerability. We don’t mean talking, we mean real connection – allowing yourself and your partner to be completely honest and open, knowing that no matter what, you will support each other.
For Ronak and Sarovi, the relationship goals they learned at Date with Destiny didn’t just transform their marriage – they saved it. Sarovi says, “Tony opened the door for our lives to change.” Sign up today to experience this event for yourself.