In today’s rapidly changing and growing economy, the benefits of hiring a business coach are no secret. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Brian Cornell (CEO of Target) and Roger Enrico (CEO of Pepsi), among others, have all used executive coaches to springboard their success. Goldman Sachs values coaching so highly that they have incorporated business coaching into all of their executive development. LinkedIn estimates that 78% of their top 50 companies utilize professional coaching.
If you want to be successful, you have to mirror what successful leaders and companies do. You might recognize that an executive coach can help you see blind spots, set goals, and develop an action plan. A great coach will take it a step further and help you craft a dynamic massive action plan (or MAP) that guides your decisions and adjusts with the market, keeping you ahead of the curve.
What you may not realize is that one of the most critical roles of a business coach is to help you master the psychology of success. While strategies, tactics, marketing, inventory and sales are all important, your mindset matters more.
80% of success in business is psychology, whereas only 20% is mechanics.
Why Mindset Matters
Psychology, or mindset, can be interpreted as the beliefs, perceptions, emotions and standards of a leader. It impacts every aspect of your company and shapes your decision-making, risk tolerance and strategic vision.
The reality is that the psychology of a leader is the chokehold on any business.
This is because a leader’s mindset has the power to propel a business forward or prevent it from reaching its full potential. You can have the best business plan in the world, but without courage, discipline and vision, you won’t be able to take your company to the next level.
Conversely, leaders who master their psychology can leverage the power of mindset to build a vision, inspire their team, navigate challenges and create breakthroughs for their business.
A business mindset coach is specifically trained to help you conquer your psychology with a system of accountability that is empowering and energizing. Here’s how a mindset coach will help you achieve exponential business growth:
Overcome Limiting Beliefs
You have over 6,000 thoughts a day . Those thoughts have the power to undermine your success or propel you to greatness. You get to decide. You can shape your mindset.
Especially as an entrepreneur, business owner or executive, you may find yourself thinking, “I’m not smart enough,” “I don’t have the skills,” or “I can never achieve that level of success.” These beliefs might be founded in past experiences or in your own insecurities. Wherever they come from, limiting beliefs prevent you from reaching your potential.
A business results coach will not only help you identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back but will help you replace those ideas about yourself with empowering ones. Instead of thinking that you aren’t smart enough or capable enough, you will learn to tell yourself, “I am enough. I add massive value and I always find a way to victory.”
With the help of a coach, you will discover which assumptions about yourself and your business are true and which ones are holding you back. You can unlock geometric growth by asking, “What would I do to succeed if I knew I could not fail?”
Focus on a Compelling Future
A compelling vision for your future is what will give you drive and a hunger for success. You get to craft the compelling future you want. Picture the success you desire as if you have already achieved it. What lives have you impacted? What type of person have you become? When your goals are anchored to a compelling future, your “shoulds” become “musts,” and you will find the willpower and discipline to succeed.
A business coach has the experience and training to assist you as you create a vision that will excite and unite your company and connect you to a deeper purpose.
Crush Fear and Face it Head-on
The most common barrier encountered by business leaders is fear. Fear of failure, fear of not measuring up, or fear of rejection can all trap leaders and businesses in their comfort zones. You will never achieve a breakthrough and reach your potential if you are imprisoned by your fears.
Anger is simply another side of fear. It will stifle your growth as a leader and get in the way of your business success. We frequently feel anger when our expectations aren’t met, and our expectations originate from our fears. If we expect ourselves to always perform at peak levels in our careers or never make a mistake, it stems from our fear of not being enough.
Remember, courage is not a lack of fear but the willingness to face our fears head-on and take action anyway. A business coach will help you face your fears by redefining obstacles as opportunities. You will see failures and mistakes as stepping stones to growth. Your fears will dissipate and be replaced with confidence.
Develop Resourcefulness
You might think that your business is stuck because you don’t have the resources to grow. You need more capital, more and better employees, or a better workspace.
It’s not a lack of resources but a lack of resourcefulness that is stopping you.
Leaders who have mastered their psychology know that challenges are opportunities. Obstacles force companies to refocus on their vision, connect with their customers, re-evaluate their priorities and get innovative. Some of the most groundbreaking developments in business have come when companies were facing serious challenges.
Lego reinvented itself and reconnected with its customers when it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Airbnb was founded in the midst of a national recession. Ford nearly went under during the recession but managed to secure a line of credit, simplify its product line, and change the company culture. The changes Ford implemented not only saved the company but also positioned it as an industry leader.
A corporate mindset coach will show you that “there is always a way if you are committed enough.” With the right mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger.
Master Your Psychology For Business Growth
Leveling up a business starts with the psychology of its leaders. If you can master your mind, the mechanics of running your business will follow. A Tony Robbins Business Results Coach is trained to help you identify your limiting beliefs, connect with your purpose and vision and develop an unshakable resilience. When you couple the power of psychology with proven business strategies and systems, you will be on track to exceed expectations and crush your goals.
A business mindset coach helps you overcome psychological barriers through empowering accountability. Discover how they can drive exponential business growth in this infographic.