How to increase your productivity

The last planner you'll ever need

It’s safe to say that each of us could benefit from an increase in productivity. While learning how to increase productivity is an almost universal goal, only a few of us have a concrete plan for doing it. Tony Robbins’ philosophy centers on empowerment and includes feasible strategies to make better use of your time. These practical, actionable tips are designed to help you increase productivity, which will lead to achieving even more throughout each day.

Increase productivity with effective time management habits

The importance of time management in learning how to increase productivity cannot be overstated. Rather than feel you are at the mercy of your schedule, you can become a strategic master of your time and calendar, which empowers you to enhance your productivity. No one can create extra hours in the day, but you can manage your time well and create the sense that you’ve got all the time you need. Take these concrete steps to increase your productivity and gift yourself with more time to do and achieve more. Here are some actionable time management steps to get you started:

Allow yourself to sit, think and plan

When you are wondering how to increase productivity, you’re likely stressed out about getting more done, so it can be difficult to slow down and plan accordingly. However, careful planning and insight can save you hours or even days of wasted effort. For each goal on your list, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is this goal important?
  • What part(s) of my life does this goal impact?
  • How does this goal support my overall strategies?
  • Do I have a plan for achieving this goal? How can I improve it?

Once you have your answers, adapt these goals and plans for maximum utility.

Create a basic plan each day

How do you increase productivity? The organizational choices you make each morning set the tone for the rest of the day. Will you start your day by reacting to others, or will you set your own goals for what you need to accomplish?

Every morning, set a goal for yourself independently –not as a reaction to requests from others. Allow accomplishing the thing you set out to do to be your priority. Focus back in on your goal throughout the day to ensure you have the momentum to keep pursuing it until you can check it off your list.

Prioritize tasks based on both urgency and setting

Each week seems to have a number of tasks to complete. Some have to do with your career, others are related to your relationships with others or your home life. When you find yourself asking, “How do you increase productivity?” it is tempting to answer with “just get everything done!” However, taking on everything is a quick route to getting nothing done at all. We tend to balk at the overwhelming. To prevent a too-long to-do list from derailing your productivity, break your list down into priority items that further your ultimate purpose, both for your personal life and for your business. This should result in you having a master plan with sub-categories, and a sense of what needs to get done first in each life sphere. Achieve the most important tasks first, and make sure you aren’t neglecting any one area.

Practice chunking

Chunking is a time management technique that groups together tasks that are similar, eliminating repetitive or redundant work. To increase productivity, get into the habit of chunking as you make your daily to-do list. You’ll find you experience less stress while enjoying more “down time” in your day. For example, as you begin to plan out your week, “chunk” your tasks based on which parts of your life they touch: Work tasks, family tasks and so on. Once everything is organized decide which tasks are the most important within each category based on urgency and immediate setting.

Set deadlines and schedule time

Now that you’ve prioritized your tasks in all areas of your life, set deadlines for each task. Schedule out the time to complete your tasks within your deadline. Leave extra time in your schedule each day for those unexpected problems that crop up and stick to your deadlines. By following a master plan, mastering how to increase productivity will come naturally.

Focus on outcomes

It is crucial that you focus on the right measures of success. Focus on the specific results you intend to achieve with any given activity. As you make measurable outcomes your indicators of productivity, you’ll create actionable goals around which your entire team can rally.

Conduct a habit audit

To increase productivity, you must periodically audit your day-to-day patterns, both at home and work. Is each habit that you have useful to you? Identify those habits and patterns that do not support your overall strategy and goals so you can change or eliminate them.

Show yourself the “money”

To drive lasting productivity, make assessing your progress and enjoying the fruits of your labor part of your routine. Check in with yourself to confirm that you are in fact accomplishing your goals and tasks. When you do succeed, allow yourself to enjoy that feeling of achievement. In this way, you train your mind to focus on goals, attain them and derive pleasure from a job well done. This also reminds you that you are highly competent and capable of setting, accomplishing and even beating goals. This sense of self-efficacy becomes a powerful tool in learning how to increase productivity.

Let it go

Each of us fails to achieve our goals occasionally, and as we look back on our past performance it is easy to see things we should have done differently. Make use of this kind of insight as you set new goals, but don’t dwell on your failures. Focus instead on what you’re going to do next.

Along these lines, 90% of your strategic thought must be focused on problem-solving, not problem identification. Anyone can point out where things are going wrong. It takes more thought and fortitude to correct problems, and sometimes it takes multiple attempts, so don’t waste excess time on the problem itself rather than the solution.

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