Battling Burnout
If you are reading this blog, chances are you are an achiever. You are driven and passionate, tackling big dreams and moving toward your goals.
But in today’s fast-paced world, even the most passionate leaders are burning out.
Sixty-five percent of workers report feeling stressed at work. If you are building a business, your stress levels are even higher. In a study by Michael Freeman at UC San Francisco, entrepreneurs were significantly more likely than the general population to report mental health concerns and depression.
This can be attributed to a variety of factors. Entrepreneurs building a business face all the risks and uncertainties of a new venture. They frequently feel inadequate to the task and fear failure. On top of all that, starting a business is a lot of work. Entrepreneurs will grind and hustle at the expense of everything else in well-intentioned efforts to succeed.
But what if I told you that it is possible to ditch stress, find fulfillment AND achieve success?
The cure to burnout isn’t pulling away; it’s more engagement, connecting with something greater than yourself.
This holiday season, find meaning and success in your work by remembering:
“The secret to living is giving.”
Find the bigger WHY behind your business. When you connect your work with a deeper purpose, you’ll be pulled toward your goals. Work will no longer be a stress; it will become a joy.
Create Your Own Happiness
So many people are waiting for the right time or the right set of circumstances to feel happy. They think, “When I get married and have a couple of kids, I’ll feel happy.” Or, “I will be happy once my business gets off the ground and I make my first million dollars.” These limiting beliefs prevent you from being happy now and block your potential.
Some incredibly successful wealthy people are miserable, and there are relatively unknown people who lack resources but live lives full of meaning and joy.
Your happiness is not a condition of your circumstances. You have the power to craft your own destiny and create your own happiness.
Taking ownership of your own happiness is the first step in building a life of fulfillment, no matter your circumstances.
Achievement vs. Fulfillment
To build an extraordinary life, it’s essential to master two essential skills–the science of achievement and the art of fulfillment.
The Science of Achievement
This is called a science because it has very clear and specific rules that yield predictable results. Certain universal rules of success apply to everyone, regardless of age, income, experience or background.
All achievement involves taking action, observing the results, making changes based on your observation and continuing this action cycle until you achieve the desired results.
This formula applies to relationships, finances, businesses, education or any other aspect of your life. Many people will follow this pattern and find massive success, but it doesn’t always mean they will be happy. That’s why the next skill is even more important.
The Art of Fulfillment
This is called an art because it is different for everyone. What is fulfilling for one person will mean nothing to another.
The art of fulfillment is crucial because success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.
What is the point of working so hard and achieving so much if it doesn’t make you happy?
The true purpose of achievement is to grow and give. Giving can be monetary, but it can also mean giving your talents, ideas, energy and time.
When you create a product or service that will improve people’s lives, you are giving to something bigger than yourself. When you build a work environment where your employees are empowered, valued and energized, you contribute to a purpose bigger than yourself.
Nothing will infuse your company with energy and drive your success like increasing your impact. Whatever you give will always come back to you.
You will find fulfillment when you are learning and growing, and you will find fulfillment when you create value in the world.
The Formula for Happiness
The formula for happiness is when your life circumstances (LC) match your blueprint (BP) for your life. So put simply, you’ll be happy when:
Your life conditions are the circumstances, relationships, experiences and external events that compose your life. Your blueprint is your own personal worldview, composed of all of your ideas and beliefs about how the world should be.
When your life conditions align with your blueprint, you’ll feel joy and satisfaction. When your life conditions don’t match what you think your world is supposed to be like, you will feel stressed, anxious, dissatisfied, or depressed.
Remember, you are the master of your happiness. When your life circumstances don’t match your blueprint, you have three choices:
1. Blame
Blame is the easy way out, but it doesn’t solve any problems. It just places the blame for your unhappiness on others or yourself. When you choose blame, you will just increase your suffering further.
2. Change Your Circumstances
You change your circumstances by applying the science of achievement. Find mentors and model their behavior. Focus on progress, no matter how small. Remember that happiness is found in growing because it moves you closer to your blueprint.
3. Change Your Blueprint
You have incredible potential, but there will always be things outside of your control, and that’s why you need to evaluate your blueprint closely. Where is it serving you, and where is it holding you back? Sometimes, to be happy, you need to let go of your ideas of what happiness has to look like and be grateful for what you already have.
You might think, “In order for me to be happy, I need to make X dollars.” Instead, you might change your blueprint to “For me to be happy, I need to make consistent progress with my business.”
Create Your Destiny
You have the power to find happiness no matter what challenges you face in life. Start creating a life of meaning and fulfillment today by leaning into connection and gratitude.
The trick to beating stress is to focus on your gifts and find ways to use them to serve a bigger purpose. Identify and honor the gifts of others, especially those of your employees and teammates. Rather than pushing and grinding, you’ll be pulled toward a common goal.
This holiday season, challenge yourself to connect on a deeper level, learn something new every day and find new ways to give. By focusing on growing and giving, you will build a life of meaning, full of success AND happiness.
If you struggle to find the purpose in your business or can’t find joy beyond the stress and daily challenges of running a business, consider executive coaching for entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur business coach can help you build a solid foundation and get your mindset in the right place so that you’re running your business rather than your business running you. You’ll find joy in your company again and time for the things you value most.
This holiday season, challenge yourself to connect deeply, learn something new daily, and give back. Focusing on growth and generosity can lead to a meaningful life filled with success and happiness. Learn how to reduce stress and find joy while building your business in this infographic.